
Ancient Music

La musica medioevale mi ha sempre affascinato. Gli spartiti all'epoca erano molto vaghi quindi oggi la reintepretazione di questi brani lascia sempre molto spazio all'interprete.









Danza Macabra

As main leitmotif I used the most famous Schiarazula Marazula; I rearranged it in various ways. I wanted to join it to a typical mediaeval iconographic theme: Danse Macabre, the dance between men and skeletons. Maybe it is the most famous and rustless memento mori that History handed us down. Its largest diffusion was caused by the terrible hecatomb of the Black Death in 1348. The plague killed 50% of Europe population.

Dies Irae

Another letimotif that I played in this cd (moreover i used it in some my previous works) is the most famous Dies Irae composed by Thomas of Celano in the thirteenth century.


Triumph of Death by Pieter Bruegel the Elder


Acoustic Guitars, Classical Guitars , Saz, Bouzouki, Keyboards and Programming: Dario Belloni


All tracks are inspired and rearranged starting from tunes belonging to traditional music of Middle Age, Reinnasance and beyond, except Ancient Music, Interlude I and Interlude II: music by Dario Belloni

Arranged, recorded and mixed by Dario Belloni

Recorded between November and December 2010



In this cd I used sounds belonging to mediaeval tradition of Europe and Mille East. Instruments are: lute, saz, bouzouki, hurdy gurdy, bagpipes, pennywhistle, gralla, zourna, flutesi, nay, alpes hones, zill, udu, darbouka, frame drums, tambourine.



I have been listening to mediaeval and reinassance music for many years and I have been considering to gather some tracks for a long time. So, in the end, I did it. With some traks I was really faithful to the score; in other cases I rambled a lot. But I tried to be faithful to the soul of the original score.


Home | The Lord of the Rings | Spectrum Catharum | Ritual | The Hobbit | Bosch | Ade | Necronomicon | Metalchemy | Nemeton | Ten Years Gone | Standing Stones | Nevermore | Elements | Mythology | Pictures | Castles and Cathedrals | Silk Road | Labyrinth | Titles | Poems | Haunted Houses | Ghost Ships | The Church | Lost Cities | Beowulf | Alhambra ©2010 Ade

Creative Commons License
Ancient Music by Dario Belloni is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 2.5 Italia License

